
QUANTUM SUICIDE: A Visual Novel in Space. Kill or be killed.

Created by Cotton Candy Cyanide

Fulfill your duty. Fall in love. Betray your friends. Get murdered by an A.I. Welcome aboard the Everett.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

AMA, Parody Song,Tweet-A-Thon and Add-Ons.
about 8 years ago – Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 10:12:52 PM

Good Morning Quantumers!

So, here it is, the long awaited AMA Video:

AMA Video - Round Two!

 But wait....there's more, and it is ridiculous!

A.I. Quantum Suicide Parody.

 We got together and we sang one of Teofilo's songs. It's terrible, and reminds us of the 80's, but we thought you guys would really enjoy it for a good laugh :)

@Teofilo - We are sorry that Amanda hasn't sung one of your songs, I hope that we will still make you happy!

Quantum Suicide Tweet-A-Thon!

Our Tweet-A-Thon starts in 20 minutes and runs for an hour! Please join us and help get a few more Quantumers on board! Just tweet using the #quantumsuicide hashtag, or just retweet our stuff!

Tweet Tweet!
Tweet Tweet!

The 7 days of Add-ons start TOMORROW!

Get your cheque books ready people, the 7 days of Add-on's start tomorrow. As per usual, you just add the amount on to your pledge (including postage if it's required) and then at the end of the campaign, you will get a survey to fill out so you can get your add-ons!


See you in tomorrow's update!

Long Live The Fans!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 08:51:23 PM

Good Day Quantumers :)

So, I have a few pieces of good news



As I am sure many of you remember from campaign no.1, we held a fan art competition and we are going to do it yet again, but expand and also allow fan fiction! Not everyone can/wants to how about writing?

So, you have until the end of this campaign to get your submissions in and what is the prize? Same as last time! Favourite Fan Art will get featured in the game...and the Favourite Fan Fiction will get written into the game! (Yes, as a dream, but hell - that means anything could really happen).

General rules for Fan Submissions: 

It has to include at least one character from QS. They can be in any scenario you wish - however - we draw the line at ecchi/ nudity please...for this comp anyway :P 

The competition will end with the Kickstarter and the winner will be announced in the same congratulation email we thank everyone in for getting us successfully KickStarted :P 

Any pieces submitted to us becomes the property of CCCN for promotion and marketing purposes. Don't worry though~, If we use your art in the game or even an art book down the track we will credit your hard work <3 

We want to see anything and everything and yes, you can enter more than one piece. The more the merrier we say~ How to enter your piece? 

 There are two things we ask you to do. 

  1. Send us a direct copy via our email [email protected] so that way we can post it as part of the competition. 

  2. Please share your piece of art on any social media you please with a link to this KickStarter! 

I can't wait to see what you can do!

Awww I love you Kimiko <3
Awww I love you Kimiko <3


As requested PAYPAL has now been added as a payment option! So, how does it work with the PAYPAL payments?

1. Click the link to access the PAYPAL page.


2. Enter the amount required for your pledge level (don't forget postage if it needs it!)

3. Press "send MoltenCherry funds" :P

From here, I will personally enter you into Baker Kit, so after the Kickstarter ends, you will be treated the same as Kickstarter pledges and not get missed in the rewards process <3

Thank you to everyone who has been waiting for PAYPAL options for being so patient :)


We have started our Backerkit and are just awaiting its approval to go live! For those of you who know and like Backerkit - Yay! for those of you who don't know what it is, it is a 3rd party that ensures all backers get what they are supposed to so nothing slips through these goofy hands of mine!


The last week is fast approaching on our Kickstarter Journey, and we thought what better way then to celebrate every day of our last week by adding a new add-on every day in the last week!

So what should you expect? Its a surprise! But seriously, some make sense, some don't really make sense and will have you question my sanity...but either way it should be a fun week of celebrations!

Each day I will send out an update listing the new Add-on! It will be available for the duration of the campaign with the last day only be available for the last day :)

I am so excited! We are going to get the AI stretch goal - I can feel it!! <3

Yay Quantumers!
Yay Quantumers!

New add-ons, AMA video and Hashtags, Oh My~
about 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 08:55:10 AM

Good Evening Quantumers!

What an eventful first few days we have had....we are only 5 days in, 82% funded and have 467 Quantumers in the pool! But we shouldn't become complacent! It is time to fight and fight hard! After all, there is still 25 days to go and many more friends to make! What helps make friends easier? MORE AWESOME STUFF!!


As per Ramon's request we have added the Digital soundtrack to the available add-ons! Yay! I am sorry for the original oversight ...completely my bad, please forgive me RAMOOOOOONNNNN!!

Ramon, do you still love me?
Ramon, do you still love me?


Groove out to the Quantum Suicide Original Soundtrack by Wojciech Wojnowski and 変異個体-ГЕNЕ- by SEVERUS WAND. This 12 track version of the soundtrack is exclusive only to our Kickstarter backers. Not only do you get 25 minutes of listening pleasure, but we'll also throw in the HQ version of our Opening Theme Music Video. Just because we like you.

And drum roll please....

I already have Nikolas telling me he loves me :P
I already have Nikolas telling me he loves me :P


Want to hear your favourite character say your name and whisper sweet nothings in your ear? That can be arranged! Add $25 to your pledge and you will receive a personalised message by your choice of Japanese voice actor. The message can run up to one minute and will be translated from English into Japanese for free. The file will be made available only to you (unless you choose to show it off) in .mp3 audio format. The message cannot contain any adult content and is subject to approval by Cotton Candy Cyanide.


Got any new questions since the last round of Kickstarter? Want to know what I specifically ate on Christmas day? Or perhaps something about the game and the process? Here is your time to shine!

We will be collecting all new questions between now and and the 10th of this month in order to make a new video! If you haven't seen the AMA video, check it out on our campaign page to get a feel of what to expect and don't be scared or ashamed! We don't bite...hard...mwhahahahhaha *starts choking*. You can either leave your questions in the comment below or even send a direct message if you don't want to ask in front of people! If you want to remain anonymous you can, but I will make you a pseudonym and it will be hilarious! 

So, I may have not adjusted the images size before coding last time. BEST AMA EVER!
So, I may have not adjusted the images size before coding last time. BEST AMA EVER!


Since the beginning of the campaign and the specific war that was declared on scoial media, we have posted #quantumsuicide on Twitter 181 times and Instagram'd 153 times. less than ideal, but I have a plan moving forwards!

I have listed our accounts below in my beautiful picture. I am posting at least once a day with the #quantumsuicide hashtag so if even half of the Quantumers followed us and re-tweet or shared, I am sure our numbers will jump incredibly! 

The Twitter bird thing may be my finest work!
The Twitter bird thing may be my finest work!

We still have 25 more days - Fun filled days with updates, new content and surprises! 

OK - Come in Quantumers, it's group hug time! *Group Hugs*

about 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 08:51:55 AM

The War has begun...
The War has begun...

Who will be victorious? Will it be a Waifu or a Husbando? 

It is up to you to decide! Click the image above or follow this LINK to cast your vote! You have until the 14th of February! The Ultimate Waifu or Husbando will be crowned on VALENTINES DAY! (How appropriate).

What happens to the winning Waifu or Husbando? The winner will have an exclusive image released of them for all the Quantumers to *swoon* over! (The image will be made after the winner is crowned - specifically for this event!) 

So what are you waiting for? Cast your votes! Convince your mum to log in and vote too! Show your passion and let the WAR BEGIN!

24 hours down!...Um...29 days worth of hours to go!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 08:49:33 AM

Well, that was a hectic 24 hours. 52% funded already! A Big THANK YOU to everyone who has returned from the previous campaign and given this one a hell of a push! Now, to convince everyone else to become ONE OF US, ONE OF US.

To Battlestations Quantumers, World domination is just a step away!


OK Quantumers so here's the plan. The reason why we failed last time (well contributing factor), was we couldn't make enough new friends and convince them to come play with us, but this time, we will use social media to have so many friends that on the weekends we have no time to ourselves! First steps first...LETS OWN TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM!!

Go Forth! Use your twitter and Instagram accounts, or make one, or use your mum's when she's at work (she won't mind - she also supports QS) and spread the word of Quantum Suicide to all ends of the internet! Ensure to use the hashtag #quantumsuicide when posting (and probably a link to the Kickstarter!). We will make new friends whether they want to be our friends or not!

We suggest that you do your own original posts (Looks more authentic that you are actually excited) as well as retweeting our posts! You can follow us here:

If you want specific images to post that you have seen, let me know and I can stick them up in an update so you can save them then post them as you please!

Of course there is rewards for the Quantumers if we can get the word out...Not only will be get funded and all get to play the game, but we will also make extra content especially for all backers depending on how many times #quantumsuicide has been posted:

I like freeeeee stuff!
I like freeeeee stuff!

 Apart from Twitter and Instagram, we also have Facebook - So please share our posts on your timelines! Maybe that guy that friend-ed you a few years ago that kind of gives you the creeps but you think hes harmless also loves Visual Novels and wants nothing more then to please you...

-The Great QS Waifu vs. Husbandu Wars-

We are in the process of setting up a poll about who is the most popular character our of Quantum Suicide. Exciting right? We are also working out what the reward can be depending on the results and so will keep you updated!


We are just one day in and we are fighting strong! I will ensure to have many more updates then last time and to keep the excitement up for the full 30 days. I believe we can do this! GO TEAM QUANTUMERS!